Books That Will Immediately Improve Your Life

If you need a dose of positive energy, then grab one of these books NOW!

Whether you need a shift in perspective, a jolt of wisdom, help to get over a fear, or you just feel stuck, these short but powerful books will give you what you need to get started. These selections, I think every person (both women and men—and even teens) should read. They are each short and completely life-changing in the best ways possible. Commit to reading or listening to all of them to enjoy an extra boost of inspiration and greatness in your life.


Rising Strong

Brene Brown

Social scientist Brene Brown has ignited a global conversation on courage, vulnerability, shame, and worthiness. Her pioneering work uncovered a profound truth: Vulnerability—the willingness to show up and be seen with no guarantee of outcome—is the only path to more love, belonging, creativity, and joy.


The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying

Bronnie Ware

Author Bronnie Ware was a hospice caregiver and spent a considerable amount of time with people in the last few weeks and days of their lives. After decades of learning from the dying, she’s categorized all of their regrets into five main categories. Everyone who reads or listens to this book will simply wish that they’d done it sooner.


The Four Agreements

Don Miguel Ruiz

The Four Agreements is a user’s guide for life. It will help you tremendously in both your personal relationships and your professional success.


The Alchemist

Paulo Coelho

The story of The Alchemist is clever and beautifully written. The premise is to pursue your dreams by following what your heart desires. During the young boy's journey, he learns to listen to the heart and to follow the language of omens. With each passing obstacle and hurdle that the young boy encounters, there is a lesson to learn.


Change Me Prayers

Tosha Silver

I don’t consider myself religious per se, but I believe we’re all connected. Whether you’re religious, spiritual, or just believe in being a good person, everyone will benefit from this delightful book. Author Tosha Silver teaches you how to change into a person who can accept things as they are, not as you wish or think they should be. Instead of feeling challenged or defeated, this breezy storybook will leave you feeling content and connected.


Meditations For Women Who Do Too Much

Anne Wilson Schaef

The New York Times says this book “should be put at the top of the stack.” It quickly became one of my favorites. This fantastic little book is full of reminders to slow down and not let societal rules run your life. 


The Knight in Rusty Armor

Robert Fisher

This is a lighthearted tale of a desperate knight in search of his true self. His journey reflects our own - filled with hope and despair, belief and disillusionment, laughter and tears. Anyone who has ever struggled with the meaning of life and love will discover profound wisdom and truth as this delightful fantasy unfolds. The Knight is an experience that will expand your mind, touch your heart, and nourish your soul.


My Favorite Healthy Recipes


Vision Boards: Bring Your Dreams to Life